Sunday, July 31, 2005


Have I ever mentioned that I know someone who doesn't believe in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and, therefore, the treatment of that or any other mental malady? I don't remember the circumstances that led up to this revelation enough to even blog about it semi-accurately so all I can say is this: Several months ago, I happened to mention something about PTSD and someone being treated for it. This person pretty much said "Bullshit" with much eye rolling going along with it. The weirdest thing about this, in my opinion, is that the person who doesn't believe in therapy has more issues than a room full of Saturday Evening Posts.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


I'm supposed to take it easy on drinking anything cold, carbonated or caffeinated until my digestive system is back in normal working order, and it's getting pretty close, mostly because I've been very good about doing what I'm supposed to do. I've had 3 or 4 cups of coffee, but that was on days after I didn't get any sleep and needed to be awake. I also had a couple of beers with The Best Friend a few weeks ago. Except for that, I've been drinking only water and a cup of herbal tea every now and then. But I'm so sick of water! I already drank 3 16 oz. bottles today & couldn't do another one. So, I looked in the refrigerator to see if there was anything else I could drink. To my surprise, I still had a tiny bottle of Pinot Grigio. Despite the fact that it's only 2 in the afternoon, I'm drinking it because it reminds me of The Best Friend and last summer when we saw each other in person for the first time in years.

By the way, The Best Friend is back and he e-mailed. He's so good.
Sad & Difficult Decision

My mother told me yesterday that she decided next time she's in the hospital, she's going to go into a nursing home instead of going home. It's inevitable that she'll be hospitalized again. She has congestive heart failure, which forces her to be on oxygen 24/7, along with a few other ailments. Yesterday, she told me that she's finding it more difficult each day to navigate the house. (It's 10 rooms, 2 stories, basement, attic. Big house!) She feels "wobbly" sometimes, which scares her. And, although she didn't say this, I'm just not adequate help anymore. She needs someone with some kind of medical knowledge to help her. We both know that.

She was trying really hard to hold back the tears when we were discussing this but, a few fell anyway. How could they not? She's lived there for 45 years, as of last Monday. She raised her three children there. She's watched her three grandsons play there. She's had 45 years' worth of family gatherings and parties there. All her most precious belongings are there. It's just all very sad.

She also told me she's hoping that she won't "linger." She wants the end to come quickly. Ya know, she drives me nuts sometimes but, I'm in no way ... no way ... ready to let her go yet. I just can't imagine life without her. I know that's inevitable, too, but just not yet.

Friday, July 29, 2005

More on My Addiction

Although I've been trying to get the reality tv monkey off my back, I knew I couldn't skip "The Law Firm." And, wouldn't ya know it, I love it. I'm not surprised because I do have a thing for lawyers after all and I totally expected to like it. So far, Olivier is my favorite.

There's no way I'm going to be able to wean myself off BB6 either. I probably could have if no one from "The Dark Side" won HoH but, since Maggie won ... In the words of Monica from BB2 "It's on!"
Premonitions and Dreams

I've been having premonition dreams for a little more than 10 years, that I remember. The first one I remember came in September 1994. It was about tennis player Vitas Gerulaitis. When he was really popular and at the top of his game, he had a clothing line. I had a pink polo shirt from that line and I loved it. Wore it as often as I possibly could without seeming like I didn't have other clothes. During this dream, I was wearing that pink shirt which, instead of an Izod alligator, had a black tag with "Vitas" written on it. Every now and then in the dream, it was as if a camera was zooming in on the "Vitas" tag, then it would zoom back out. Somehow in the dream, I got to Vitas' house and he was showing me around. I kept saying I smelled something funny and feeling that something just wasn't right in the house. The next day I heard that he died in his house of carbon monoxide poisoning.

The most recent dream I had was last week. All I remember about the dream is that it had something to do with TV dinners. But, the next day, I couldn't get TV dinners out of my mind. And it wasn't today's TV dinners. It was the old kind in the aluminum trays that you had to put in the oven. I remembered how I liked them and how they tasted so much better than today's TV dinners (except for the dessert, which is rarely good). That night, I heard on Countdown that Gerry Thomas, the inventor of TV dinners died.

I've had many more in between those two, which is why, I think, a recurring dream I've been having for about a year has been bothering me so much. The dream involves me driving down a road (not always the same road) when I come upon a deep hole or a ditch or someplace else deep. Somehow, I don't end up going into the deep place with the car. I pick the car up out of the hole or deep place. When the dreams ended, I dismissed the part about picking the car up and concentrated on the driving into the hole. The dreams were so vivid and scary that I became very conscious of holes in the road when I was driving during waking hours and it scared me then, too. Well, it bothered me so much yesterday that (not the dream, just the fear of having it again) I started looking through Sylvia Browne's Book of Dreams. What I learned about recurring dreams is that you'll keep having them until you get the message your subconscious is trying to send you. As I was reading this, the dream was so clear in my head it was as if I was having it. Then it hit me: I fell into a deep hole but I pulled myself out. And one thing I remembered that I didn't remember the days after I had the dreams was that, every single time, after I pulled the car out, I'd say to myself "That wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I must be stronger than I thought I was."

I doubt I'll be having that dream anymore since I figured out what it meant, and I feel so much better about myself.

Thursday, July 28, 2005


This morning I was stopped at a red light when I saw GSG drive through the intersection. I didn't realize until then that he still has an effect on me. I almost had to put myself in an installment of "Tales of the Traffic Law Challenged" because after the light turned green it took me a couple of seconds to get out of the GSG fog and remember that green means go. I'm such a dork sometimes.

I miss The Best Friend. I hate when he's away on business and can't write to me. The man needs to get a laptop.

I swore that if Anna didn't pick Nathan I would never watch another installment of "Average Joe," no matter what kind of twists they added. But, Anna didn't let me down. She made the right choice, although I think I would have had a difficult time choosing between Nathan and Rocky, too. In the other shows (even when Adam was doing the choosing) the choice was so obvious. Go with the non-model! But they chose wrong every time. Yeah, it's just my opinion and I didn't know the guys (or girls, in Adam's case) but, c'mon. How shallow can you be. Now that's it's over and a "Joe" finally won, all I have to say is "Yay Anna!" Oh yeah, and I wish them good luck.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Obligatory Wednesday Big Brother Post

I'll say it again: Kaysar rocks! I feel sorry for Maggie, though. I don't know how many times last night she said something along the lines of "I'd never ask Cappy (Eric) to do anything that would force him to break his word." What she doesn't realize is that, in week 1 he broke his word to Kaysar; in week 2, he broke his word to Michael; in week 3, he broke his word to James. Then he gets angry with Kaysar for breaking his word? Hypocrite! He's a liar and a dirty player, whether Maggie sees it or not. Not that there's anything wrong with lying in that game. Remember Will in season two? Brilliant! The difference is: Will was so good at playing the game, and he told everyone he was lying. It was so funny that they believed his lies but didn't believe him when he told the truth and said he was lying. Anyway, back to BB6. If everything goes as planned and Eric is evicted tomorrow, I think (for once) the post-eviction Julie Chen interview will be interesting. I'd really like to hear Eric's take on where he thinks he went wrong.

Normally, I love thunderstorms, mainly because I get my best sleep during them. Until last night, however, they really haven't helped. Anyway, as I was doing my hour in the afternoon of "being horizontal" with an ice pack on my abdomen to avoid fluid build-up (I have to do another hour in the early evening as well.) there was a thunderstorm. The thunder wasn't the big, loud claps, for the most part. It was the rolling, rumbling kind. Instead of relaxing me and helping me sleep, it made me think of "War of the Worlds." I was afraid to get up and look outside for fear I'd see some giant tripod thing trampling through my neighborhood.

Last night our City Council approved a $5,950 payment to a company to demolish a house in my neighborhood. All well and good, right? The problem lies in the fact that council meets at 7:30 p.m. The demolition was complete at about 2:30 p.m. (5 hours before the meeting, for those of you as mathematically challenged as I am.) And they say items on the agenda aren't rubber stamped before the meetings? Yeah. Right.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

I'm a Junkie

The first step in conquering an addiction is realizing you have a problem. Last night, I realized I do. Heaven help me, I'm addicted to reality tv. It started innocently enough 10 years ago with "The Real World." That was about it until 4 years ago when I got hooked on "Big Brother 2." (Damn you, Will Kirby, for being so deliciously evil!) "Trading Spaces" also became Must-See-TV for me. Luckily, "The Bachelor" and "Survivor" never interested me, and I lost interest in "Fear Factor" very early on. I cringe at the thought of how bad my addiction would be had I gotten hooked on them. However, when "Average Joe" came onto the scene, I got hooked on that. It's gotten worse since then. I love "Queer Eye" and find myself wishing Jai wasn't gay. (As if I'd have a chance with a hottie like that.) I cry like a baby during "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," especially when Ty tears up. I find myself rooting for the kids on "Brat Camp" and most of the people on "Celebrity Fit Club 2." I'm thankful that NBC reairs "I Want to Be a Hilton" on Bravo so I don't miss it while I'm watching "Big Brother 6." I even found myself watching "The Next Food Network Star."

I realize my addiction could be worse. I don't watch "Growing Up Gotti." I only watched the last 2 episodes of "Joe Millionaire" and "For Love or Money" (both of them.) I never watched "Temptation Island." Juding from the commercials, "The Real Gilligan's Island" seemed way to dumb to watch. I know I'm missing some that I don't watch, and some that I do.

Anyway, I realized I had a problem last night when I started watching MTV's "Kill Reality." I don't even know why I started. It didn't interest me. I don't particularly like any of the reality "stars" on the show. Why-oh-why did I turn it on? Addiction, I'm tellin' ya! But I'm starting to beat the addiction. I didn't just change the channel. I turned the television off before I could search for another reality show. Good for me!

However, although I'm starting to beat it, I'm in no way close to the end. In fact, I'm counting the hours (a little over 10) until Big Brother 6. I must pray for the fall tv season, and actual shows with writers and actors, to get here quickly before this addiction gets even more out of hand than it already is.
Willie Nelson

I like almost all kinds of music, even country sometimes. But, in my opinion, Willie Nelson transcends all genres. He's just Willie. And I'll be seeing him in concert on Aug. 17. One of the cool things about that, aside from actually being there, is the awesome seats we got. We're in row 7, just off center stage. So, after looking at the seating chart online, I realized we, in effect, got $42 seats for $30. Pretty cool, huh? Now, I'm just hoping it's not amazingly hot and humid that night (the concert is outside) and that he sings "Crazy." I think that's my favorite Willie Nelson-written song.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Kaysar Rocks!

Nominating both Maggie & James was one of the most brilliant strategic moves in Big Brother history. Kaysar was smart in thinking that this will show a lot about Eric. He's partnered with Maggie but has an alliance with James. It'll be interesting to see how he handles the situation and the reactions of the others to his handling of it. As for James and Sara, do they really think Kaysar is stupid enough to believe that they are the only two in the house who don't have partners? I was beginning to think he was ... until he nominated James.

On a different BB-related matter: I was beginning to like Janelle ... until she misspelled "spaghetti." s-p-a-g-e-t-t-i WTF? Who, over the age of 8, doesn't know how to spell spaghetti? Obviously, Janelle.
I Forgot I Could Do That

I haven't cooked a real meal in a long time. I eat a lot of taco salads, which doesn't take skill or imagination. Sometimes I'll cook up a chicken breast, but I usually don't do much extra with it. Cooking for one gets kind of depressing and I can't cook for my mom because we're on totally different diets. She's on low fat, low sodium, no sugar, no leafy green vegetables ... Well, pretty much anything that tastes good, she's not allowed to eat.

So, a couple of days ago when I was just staring at the contents of the freezer hoping something appetizing would magically appear, I noticed a little foil package that I'd put in there months ago. It was a boneless, skinless chicken breast. I said “Hey, I bet if I bought some rosemary to use with that, it would be good.” Today, after I cooked my lunch I realized how right I was. I forgot that, when I apply myself, I'm a really good cook. It was so yummy!

For anyone who's interested, here's the “recipe.”

1 boneless, skinless chicken breast
2 sprigs of rosemary, chopped
1/2 chopped fresh green pepper
lemon juice to taste
salt and pepper to taste
1 slice of provolone cheese, smoky flavored (mozzarella would work well, too)

Put some EVOO (That's Extra Virgin Olive Oil for anyone who's not a fan of Rachael Ray & doesn't already know.) in a skillet. Pre-heat on medium-low. Chop the rosemary. Drizzle a little EVOO over the chicken then put it in the pan. Sprinkle the rosemary over the chicken. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Chop the green pepper, add to the pan. Flip the chicken when it's halfway cooked. Don't touch it until then or you'll tear the meat. Remember to stir your peppers. (The length of time for your chicken to be fully cooked depends on the size of the chicken. If you're actually reading this, you probably already know how to cook a chicken breast anyway.) When the chicken is done, turn the heat to low. Put most of the peppers on top of the chicken. Cover with cheese. Cover the pan for a couple of minutes, until the cheese melts. Put the rest of the peppers on top. Enjoy!

Friday, July 22, 2005

Tip of the Day

I haven't posted a Tip of the Day for a long time so it's about time I did it again. And this is a good one.

In order to turn on the television, the remote control must be pointed in the general direction of the television with nothing in between the remote and the tv.

For example, if the remote is on the bed with pillows in front of it and, further, if the remote is pointed at a wall which is perpendicular to where the television is, it's a good bet that you won't be watching "Celebrity Poker Showdown" unless you figure out your problem.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Because I don't feel like writing anything ...

I've seen this a few times but haven't done it 'til now.

bold the states you've been to, underline the states you've lived in and italicize the state you're in now...

Alabama / Alaska / Arizona / Arkansas / California / Colorado / Connecticut / Delaware / Florida / Georgia / Hawaii / Idaho / Illinois / Indiana / Iowa / Kansas / Kentucky / Louisiana / Maine / Maryland / Massachusetts / Michigan / Minnesota / Mississippi / Missouri / Montana / Nebraska / Nevada / New Hampshire / New Jersey / New Mexico / New York / North Carolina / North Dakota / Ohio / Oklahoma / Oregon / Pennsylvania / Rhode Island / South Carolina / South Dakota / Tennessee / Texas / Utah / Vermont / Virginia / Washington / West Virginia / Wisconsin / Wyoming / Washington D.C. /

Go HERE to have a form generate the HTML for you.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Closer

I forgot to mention in yesterday's post about summer tv that I also like "The Closer." It's weird for me to say that Kyra Sedgwick is one of my favorite actresses and I love her in everything she's ever been in. Why is that weird for me to say? Well, ever since I was a teenager and Kevin Bacon was on "The Guiding Light," I wanted to marry him. (He was the only reason I watched that show. It was my mom's soap, not mine.) So, when he married Kyra, I wanted to hate her. But I couldn't. Number One, she's too good an actress to hate. Number Two, now that they've been (seemingly) happily married for years and years, and I've matured a bit (hard as that may seem to believe by reading this blog), I'm happy that Kevin is happy. And, Lord knows, you gotta give celebrity couples who actually stay together a lot of credit. It seems there aren't many out there, so it's always nice to see that there are some good role models. Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward are a prime example. The late Hume Cronin and Jessica Tandy were another. And John Travolta and Kelly Preston can be counted among the group as well. I like that.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Trivia Question

What two important things in history happened on Thursday, May 12 (in different years)?

1.I had a hysterectomy (2005)
2.The Terminator and Kyle Reese traveled from the future to Los Angeles to find Sarah Connor (1984)
The 4400

With the glut of reality shows during the summer months, I'm so glad I found an actual show with a plot and characters and all the good stuff. "The 4400" on USA is awesome! It's a reason to watch television on Sunday nights again. (OK. A shirtless Ty Pennington is a good reason, too, but I'm talking about non-reality shows.) I think I like it even more than "Lost," which I discovered in reruns. For some reason I didn't watch it the first time around. In a way, I wish I had because it's just that good. Then again, if I had watched it the first time around, what would I watch now?
More Cow Bell

I wasn't in the mood to watch a "Best of ..." episode of "Saturday Night Live" but I watched the beginning of it anyway. I'm so glad I did. They showed the "More Cow Bell" thing second in the show. I love that! It always makes me laugh and puts me in a good mood.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

More Big Brother

I have mixed feelings about Janelle. I either hate her or she's my favorite. Weird, huh?

Eric better watch it or he's outta there, unless he, Ivette or Maggie win all the HoH competitions. He probably thinks he's making himself invaluable by acting like the leader but, actually, he's pissing everyone off.

I guess most of the houseguests aren't dumb after all. I think they've all figured out there are other "partners" in the house besides themselves.

I hope the other "secrets" aren't as lame as the secret room. I'm still curious about the safes in there, though.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Big Brother 6

I wish CBS would have waited a little longer to tell us which houseguests were partners. I liked guessing. So far, it's been the only interesting part of the show. And, I already guessed that Howie and Rachel and Maggie and Eric were partners. Also, I was wondering if the producers thought the houseguests were stupid enough to believe they were the only "pair" in the house. After seeing some of the interviews last night, I guess the answer is "Apparently so." Have these people never seen the show? If I got chosen for Big Brother and they put me in the house with someone I already knew, my first reaction would be "There's no way we're the only pair in the house."

Anyway, I'm glad Ashlea is gone. I couldn't stand her. Don't know why. I just couldn't. But I do like Kaysar. Again, I don't know why. I just do. I'm not sure if I have a favorite houseguest yet but I'm leaning toward either Maggie or Rachel.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Big Brother 6

I know it's only been one show but, so far, I'm not impressed. OK. I'm impressed with the house but the houseguests didn't do anything for me. Actually, they seem kind of boring. But, as I said, it's only been one show. We'll see. And I can't really get too interested in the forums yet because I don't care enough about any of the houseguests to want to know what they're doing.
Contagious Addiction

I got my mom addicted to Countdown, too. I asked her if she watched last night to see Scott McClellan's "WTF Do We Do Now?" performance concerning Karl Rove. (I did word it differently, however. She is my mom after all.) She said she was disappointed that she fell asleep because she really wanted to hear what Keith had to say about it. She seemed less disappointed when I told her it was Alison because Keith is on vacation, although she does like Alison. See? That's how addicted we are. We're on a first-name basis with Keith Olbermann and Alison Stewart. I think the only other news person I refer to by first name only is Jane (Pauley).

Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Real World

You know you're getting older when you'd rather do the father of a "Real World" roommate than the roommate himself. On the other hand, I am still watching "The Real World," so that must count as something toward the youth factor.

This is the first season I've watched since the first 2 or 3 episodes of Hawaii. I don't know why I find this group of roommates so compelling. It's probably because all but one are there for one reason: To hook up. It'll be interesting to see who hooks up with whom and how much they end up hating each other by the time it's over. One more thing: Wes is every guy in college I hated.

On a semi-related note: I'm so looking forward to "Big Brother 6" tonight. I know it's dumb and unrealistic, but I'm addicted anyway. Let the scheming begin!