Saturday, February 25, 2006

Odds & Ends or Bits & Pieces or Just Stuff or Something

Josh was doing a live broadcast from this really big, cool event, so, since I'd never done a remote before, I wanted to see how it was done, and I hung out for a while. It was very cool (even eating the Rice Krispie treat with the bug in it). The coolest part was when people came up to our table. "Are you Chris?" "No, I'm Anne." "Ohhhh! The news person!" So, yeah, they were a little disappointed that I wasn't Chris, but at least they knew who I was and they weren't totally bummed out. So, I guess one of my goals is to be as beloved as Chris ;) But Jay and I have fans, too, which is nice to know. I mean, I know he has fans. (I'm made aware of that a few times a week when I answer the phone and some teeny bopper is all disappointed because she wants to give her song request to him. Well, honey, just a tip: Try calling when there's a song or ad playing, not when he's live on the air. Anyway ...) I just thought it was cool that a couple of people were nice enough to tell me that they think we make a good team.

I know I was going to write more about that, but now I can't remember what I was going to say. So, we'll get to the other part. And, surprise, surprise. It has something to do with GSG. His secretary was at the booth next to ours. I wasn't sure she remembered me at first but, as I was getting ready to leave, she talked to me for a bit. That was nice, too. Especially since I was thinking "How could she not remember me? I was a pain in the neck for something like 2 years!" Really, though, she never thought I was a pain. She thought I was cute ... in a teenage-girl-with-a-crush-on-the-cutest-boy-in-school kinda way.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


I talked to GSG's sister a couple of days ago. We haven't talked in a long time, and I forgot how much I like her. Of course she knows I know her brother. Everyone knows I know him. But she doesn't know I'm obsessed with him. So, when she started telling me stuff about him, and stuff he said about me (all good), I was thrilled. I know I shouldn't have been, but I was.

This is so complicated. My estranged husband and I are really good friends. And, one of my favorite things in the world is making him laugh. That's one of my favorite sounds ever. But I'm not entirely sure I want to be married to him. Maybe I'm not finished with my mid-life crisis yet. Or, maybe I just need some closure with GSG. Maybe I need to hear him say "Anne, I really like you, but that's as far as it goes." Then again, he's a bit screwed up, too, so maybe he doesn't know what he wants either. I guess I could come up with some reason to call him and talk for a while. That's always ended up with a couple of drinks & some good talks. We'll see.

I can't think about this anymore. And Chris is playing "Pretty Vegas," so I must crank the volume on the radio and sing!

Friday, February 10, 2006


I know the woman who allegedly stole more than $200,000 from her employer. In fact, in another life (more than 15 years ago), we were good friends. So, we'll just leave it at that.

But, yesterday Josh and I were discussing this and wondering how anyone could think they could get away with something like that, when he and I are concerned about whether we should put 7 1/2 or 8 hours on our time cards.

As I said: Perspective.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Another Installment of Weird Dreams

Well, I guess it's not really a weird dream except for the fact that it was about the person it was about. I know it was a wish dream. I mean, my brain knows it was a wish dream. But every other part of me wishes it was a premonition dream. I hate that I can't get GSG out of my head! I hate it! Anyway, let's get to the dream.

I had to go to his office for some reason. But his office wasn't where it really is. It was in his house, which also wasn't where it really is. So I was talking to his "assistant," who has never really been that friendly to me, but she was extremely friendly and nice in the dream. (His secretary is great, but the other person just asks as if I'm wasting everyone's time by being there, which I probably am. ... Back to the dream ...) So, the assistant tells me that I could probably fill out the paperwork myself because GSG always tells everyone how smart I am and that I should have been a ... uh, I should have gotten into the profession he's in.

I was really flattered, and surprised, to hear that he said that about me. So, I'm sitting there filling out the paperwork when he comes in. He seemed genuinely happy to see me and after a little chit chat, we went into his office (which wasn't the way his office really looks.) We sat on the couch, chit chatted a little more, then he kissed me.

Next thing I know, we're in his bedroom. Actually, he was in his bedroom, in bed, I was in the bathroom. I went into the bedroom, got into bed with him and we just cuddled and talked and laughed. It was cool, except for the part about me thinking that the sheets were kind of feminine-looking and wondering if he kept them because his ex-wife picked them out.

Anyway, that's the dream. I know it's a wish dream. I also know I should not be wishing for that. Further, I most certainly know I should not be wishing that it's a premonition dream.

How the heck do I stop thinking about this guy?!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Make it Stop!

I realize I don't have it as bad as poor Uncle Crappy does, but holy crap ... Make it stop!! This Steelers mania is driving me insane! I was listening to the radio this morning while I was getting dressed and someone requested "Here We Go, Steelers." Ugh! Now that stupid song is stuck in my head, and will be for most of the day. I'm sure that by the time it's out, someone else will request it. Double ugh!

OK. It's only a couple more days. I'm sure I can handle it. I'll be really glad when it's over though. Not just because of the craziness, but because I won't have to worry about mispronouncing Roethlisberger and Polomalu on the air anymore. Why couldn't all of their names be as easy as Bettis?

And by the way ... I do hope they win.