Today's Monday Mission:
1. I love to order a Wendy's "Frosty" and then dip my French Fries into it before I eat them. Do you have any eating habits others might think are odd? Do I ever! I think I have some that Nick doesn't even know about yet. Anyway, sometimes I like dipping my french fries in tartar sauce, but only if I'm eating fish. I like ketchup on my scrambled eggs, although I promised I wouldn't eat them that way in front of him. Let's see. I know I've got more, but I can't think of them right now.
2. What was the worst date you ever went on? I have to pick only one? Hmmm? I think this counts as a date since we weren't actually a couple and expected to go to weddings and family events together. It was his sister's wedding. The family's seats in the church were reserved and they didn't think to reserve one for me, so I had to sit by myself. At the reception, some relative forced me to eat something (I still don't know what it was) that made me sick and I ended up throwing up in the restroom for about 45 minutes. My date took that 45 minutes without me as an opportunity to get falling down drunk. He couldn't drive back to his parent's house afterward, so I had to drive a car I didn't know on a highway I didn't know, at night (I have mild night blindness) with a drunk guy giving me directions. At his parent's house, I was surrounded by relatives who were all older than me -- by about 40 years -- asking when the next wedding was. (We'd known each other for a month at the time.) Later, he drove me to my uncle's house, where I was spending the weekend. Although it was about 1 a.m. and I wasn't even sure if my uncle remembered to leave the door unlocked for me, my date didn't walk me to the door because it wasn't his "style." We broke up a few weeks later.
3. Who (or what site) inspired you to begin Blogging? These guys.
4. Have you inspired, encourgaed, or begged anyone else to start a Blog? I've been part of, how should I say this?, a group inspiration/encouragement thing to get a few people to start.
5. Any foods you just will not eat?Mussels. I just found that out recently. Nick's trying to "help" me with this answer. Uh. He's not helping.
6. Describe the worst Birthday party (adult or child's) that you ever attended? It wasn't so much the party that was bad, but what happened beforehand. I fell in the bathroom, cut my head on the corner of a drawer that was sticking out and had to get two stitches. I was 8 or 9.
7. What was the first music album you ever bought (tape, CD, LP, whichever or all of the above)? My dad used to buy me albums, so I had a little collection before I bought my very first one with my very own money. And yes, I'm going to admit this. It was The Partridge Family.
BONUS: Do you think you're what they say you are? da da da Su-perstar. Uh, yeah. They say I'm a freak. I am.
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