Thursday, September 19, 2002

Due to lack of interest (mine) and the length of time that's gone by since my last post, I'm not going to finish writing about the bus trip. Anyone who wants to know about it can e-mail me.

I have a few observations and odd thoughts to share:

Everytime I hear the promo for CSI: Miami, I think of that Will Smith song. Drives me nuts.

How long did it take the Trading Spaces people to find a gay designer with no personality? I didn't think there was such a thing. Edward must go!

Free CinnaStix rule! (You can laugh now, Nick.)

I'm pretty sure Tony Soprano's going to boink the FBI chick.

Does Ben Affleck know he's gay?

Ann-Margaret is still a babe, but she sure was hot in Viva Las Vegas!

I'm concerned about my new Elvis obsession. (Thanks Nick)

Um. I think that's it for now. Back to the novel. I hate editing. I don't believe I used to do it for a living.

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