Thursday, January 15, 2004

Chick Chat

Questions For Jan. 13th
Junk Food Junkies

1. Coke or Pepsi?: It used to be Diet Coke but since I started Atkins I drink only water and flavored decaf coffee.

2. What's your comfort food?: I don't need comfort food anymore. I just realized that as I read this question. Wow! lol It used to be any kind of potatoes (including chips), Doritos and macaroni & cheese.

3. Chocolate: White/Milk/Dark?:Dark, please. But I do like white on Easter.

4. Favorite Chips?:It used to be Troyer Farms (local brand) barbecue. I haven't had chips since August though, and I don't miss them, although I would like to try the new guacamole Doritos. Someday. Maybe. Then again, maybe not. We'll see.

5. What food do you crave the most?: I really don't have cravings anymore except ... well, you know. Then, it's chocolate. Thank God for Atkins peanut butter cups!

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