What's "average" anyway?
I didn't post about this earlier because I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about it. "It" is the "Average Joe 2" finale. Of course I was disappointed that Larissa didn't pick Brian, who obviously was in love with her. But I will give her credit for telling him that he deserved to be with a woman who loves him the way he loves her. With that being said, I still don't understand why she picked Gil. He's not all that good-looking, he's closed-off emotionally and seems very shallow. The last point was made quite clear when he bailed on Larissa after she told him she used to date Fabio. I totally didn't understand his reaction to that. Of course I never quite understood the whole Fabio thing anyway. *shrug* Actually, though, I probably wouldn't have even understood it if she said she dated George Clooney or Ewan McGregor. I mean, she's not with him now. So what's the big deal? Anyway, although she made the wrong choice I don't think she deserved to be treated the way Gil treated her. But maybe, because of that, she'll think twice next time before she picks looks over substance.
As for Brian and Adam, the "average" guys who weren't picked, I hope they both find women who are worthy of them. I would pick either of them over any so-called "hunks" on any of the reality dating shows. I'd like to think the majority of women in America would. Too bad Larissa and Malena aren't in the majority. Then again, Brian and Adam both deserve better.
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