Friday, May 07, 2004

Writing *IS* my job!!

I fucking hate it when someone asks my mother if I'm working. What I hate even more is her answer: No.

No. No?? What the fuck?!?! My first novel was published. I got a royalty check, which means I got paid for writing a book. The second book, and the next royalty check for the first book, are due within months. How is that not working? Normally, when someone gets paid for doing something, isn't it considered working?

I know some people out there think writing isn't work. Obviously, they are the people who can't write ... or worse, people who think they can but can't. Writing is work! And, it's hard. Yes, there is a certain amount of talent and inate ability involved but, for the most part, it's hard work. Grammar. Sentence Structure. Making sure your story makes sense. Making sure your story says what you want it to say. Coming up with the story is the easy part. Getting it right is w-o-r-k.

And then there's writer's block. You never hear check-out people at Wal-Mart saying "Ya know, I keep trying to put everything in the bag the right way but, I just can't seem to get it right." At least I never do. Maybe they do. Who cares? They get paid no matter how they throw stuff into the bag. If I don't write, I don't get paid.

Then, after the book is out there's promotion, publicity, book signings, speaking gigs. Not work? Ha!!

I'm starting to calm down a little so perhaps this entry will start looking as if a published author ... and not some slacker wannabe ... is writing it.

Back to writer's block ...

During the last NaNoWriMo there was a thread on one of the forums asking about the writers' muses. One said her muse was a wood sprite named Floralee or some such thing. Another person said her muse was a pixie who always wears pink and sits on her shoulder. I can't even remember the others. I didn't post to that thread because my muse is a real live person (the previously mentioned Great Smile Guy). I kind of realized it before but, earlier this week I knew for sure. I'd been having a wicked bout of writer's block. I talked to him for 2 1/2 minutes, then went and wrote eight pages. My fingers couldn't keep up with my brain. So, Great Smile Guy ... thanks :)

Look at that. Up there ... at the end of the last sentence ... see it? It's a smile. Just thinking about him makes me smile.

OK. I'm smiling, so the rant must be over.

Please disregard the poor grammar and anything else you might want to criticize because it's "fun" to pick out mistakes in a professional writer's posts. This is my blog. I do not get paid to write here so I can write whatever I want the way I want to write it.


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