TV Tuesday
1. In the US many stations run "marathons" all day on Monday, many stations have also went to running all weekend marathons of old sitcoms. So question number one is: Did you watch any of the marathons running this year? In part? In whole?
Nope. But on New Year's Day I did. The Twilight Zone.
2. Is there a show you'd like to see run an all day marathon? On the flipside is there a show you'd avoid in marathon?
I'd probably watch most of a "CSI" or "That 70s Show" marathon. I might also watch a "Wings" marathon just to see my 3 favorite episodes. As for shows I'd avoid -- too many to mention.
3. Is there a show/movie/program that brings back special memories for you and what is it?
"Animal House" reminds me of college ... and my dad. My dad loved that movie. His favorite line was "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son."
~Bonus~ What show featuring those who protect your country (fiction or non-fiction) is your favorite?
Don't have one I can think of at the moment.
~Bonus #2~ Out of curiosity, what's the longest you've ever watched TV in one stretch?!
Probably six or seven hours but that was a long time ago. Now I have a hard time watching for even two hours straight. There's too much other stuff to do.
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