Friday, July 09, 2004

Friday Stuff

The Friday Five

1) Do you remember your first kiss?
Sure do. I had a crush on the kid forever. Now I think he's kind of a dork.

2) How old were you when you had your first kiss?

3) Where did your first kiss occur?
The garage behind his house.

4) Where do you think is the most romantic place to exchance a kiss? (locations, not body parts)
Either the beach at sunrise or sunset, or the forest/woods.

5) What type of kisser are you? (peck, smooch, French, sloppy, etc.)
Not sloppy, but not exactly not sloppy. Actually, it depends on who I'm kissing.

Friday Fiver


1. Do you own a wristwatch? Describe.
Yes. It's a gold, bracelet type that's way too big for my wrist, but I like it that way. I haven't worn it in months though because it needs a new battery & I have better things to spend my money on. It's been stuck at 5:55 since March.

2. How old were in you 1997?
From January to Sept. 12 I was 36. For the rest of the year I was 37.

3. Which is more important – financial success or personal happiness?
Personal happiness by a longshot. I've had plenty of money and been miserable. Right now I'm struggling financially but I'm happier than I've been in years.

4. Can you whistle?
Nope. People have tried to teach me, but it just ain't happenin'.

5. Do you believe in the supernatural?
You betcha!

The Friday Foofah

1. Are you viewing this on a computer running MacOS or Windows (or something else)?
Windows from home; Mac from work.

2. If money wasn't an issue, what computer would you have on your desk?
Too technical for me. I just do what my computer chick tells me to do.

3. When did you first get on the Internet?
1997, I think. Could have been 1996.

4. What's the #1 use you put your computer to?
Write & do research for my writing.

Friday's Feast

If you were a color, which color would you be, and why?
Green because it means fresh & new to me, like springtime.

When was the last time you went to the doctor, and what was your reason for going?
Five months ago because I had just lost 100 pounds and wanted to make sure I was as healthy as I felt. Atkins suggest frequent doctor visits to check blood sugar, cholesterol levels, etc. Everything was perfect except cholesterol, which was slightly high. My doctor said I could fix that with diet, though. I checked the labels of all the foods I was eating regularly. Shrimp seems to have been the culprit. Who knew? So I've barely eaten any shrimp at all in the last five months. I have another appointment next month, so we'll see how well I did.

What do you collect?
I used to collect ducks, but I don't so much anymore. A few days ago I started collecting the coins I find on the ground (mostly pennies).

Main Course
What were you like in high school? Name one thing you miss and one thing you don't miss about those days. (If you're still there, imagine how you'll remember it in the future.)
Dorky. I was also voted "shyest girl" in my class. I miss not having any responsibilities except doing my homework, which I didn't have much of because I had 2 study halls. I also miss seeing Steve everyday. E-mail just doesn't do it sometimes. I don't miss the mean girls.

Pretend you're standing in front of your home, with your back towards your home. Describe the view - what can you see? Trees? Cars? A zoo? Wal-Mart?
A cemetery on a hill with a huge firemen's memorial. Lots of trees, which partially block the view of an oil refinery and a highway. I can see a CVS pharmacy and an Arby's in one direction and a mini-mart sign in the other. Closer, I can also see the house one of my best friends used to live in. I love that house. I see the back of a neighbor's house. He's a grumpy old fart and is always spying on the neighbors through his kitchen window. There are backs of other neighbor's houses as well. Lots of kids' bikes & other riding toys are behind the houses, too, just off the road. I should explain that I live on a hill & there are only houses on one side of the street. The other side of the street is just the backs of houses that are on the street below me. I know I have pictures of the view from my house somewhere on the 'net. Wish I could remember where. Oh well. When I get my digital camera maybe I'll post some here.

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