Saturday, January 08, 2005


Have I ever mentioned that GSG is only about an inch taller than I am? Because of that, I haven't worn heels in about 2 years. Before that, whenever I knew I was going to see him for a work-related thing I wouldn't wear heels. But now that I'm over him (Well, kind of over him. I'll never be completely over him.) I can wear heels again. I went out and bought a pair of boots to wear to the party I'm going to tonight. Not just heels. Two-inch heels! Yeah, I'm having a little trouble getting used to them but, I'm sure after a couple of hours I'll be fine. Who would have thought wearing heels would be so liberating?

I've been thinking about this a lot in the last 26 hours but I forgot to mention it. My former best friend and I are going to lunch on Thursday. I'm excited because I miss her so much! She's the best female friend I've ever had as an adult. She was kind of like the female version of Steve. There's so much we need to catch up on after being estranged for 3 1/2 years. I can't believe it's been that long! I hopoe this is the first of many lunches, and other things. Besides that, maybe her husband has a couple of friends he could hook me up with. Actually, her stepson works with the coach, so that could be good. Maybe they can slip a bug in his ear.

Sometimes I have a one-track mind, and it bothers me.

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