Keith Olbermann
I was just over at his blog and found some funny as well as disturbing stuff. There were also a couple of things that had me shaking my head at the stupidity of some people.
A lot of it has to do with the guy who criticized Sponge Bob and its homosexual agenda. After Countdown did a story on this, Keith got spammed by some of this guy's followers. Here's just one snippet of Keith's response:
"The best of them was not a misspelling but a Freudian slip of biblical proportions. A correspondent, unhappy that I did not simply agree with her fire-and-brimstone forecast for me, wrote 'I showed respect even though I disagreed with you and yet you have the audacity to call me intelligent.'
Well, you have me there, Ma’am. My mistake."
In an later post on the same subject, Keith had this to say:
Having failed math, Mr. Schneeberger now tries extra-sensory perception.
"'…When it comes to lobbying liberal journalists like Olbermann, the sad reality is that getting them to acknowledge - let alone to respond respectfully — to our point of view is the longest of long shots. Theirs is a 24/7 secular world — in most newsrooms, especially those in big cities, about the only time you hear the word ‘God’ is as the first part of somebody’s second-favorite swearword.'
Wow. Talk about creating your own reality.
My newsroom is in Secaucus, New Jersey — population 15,931.
“Focus On Family” headquarters is in Colorado Springs, Colorado — population 360,890.
And not to let the facts get in the way of FOF’s prejudice, but I happen to be a religious man. I believe in God, I pray daily, and if I’ve ever gotten any direct instructions from my maker, they were that I’ll be judged by whether I tried to help other people, or hurt them. Also, that true belief should not be worn like a policeman’s club, nor used like one. And, finally, that I’m in big trouble for helping to introduce funny catchphrases into sportscasting.
The producer of 'Countdown' — Mr. Kordick, you’ve met him here, the guy who goes on vacation and celebrities die — is not only a religious man of the finest kind, but actually sings at Church-related events out in the community. And there are many others on the staff who are similarly spiritual, although, admittedly, none of us is pushy nor self-congratulatory about it.
I might also say that I feel a little disappointed in my workplace. Mr. Schneeberger, who claims to have spent a dozen years in “secular newsrooms,” writes of all of these “God Damns” flying around the ones he knows so well. I honestly think I’ve heard that phrase used at MSNBC once or twice in the last year. I feel short-changed. Where did Schneeberger work, The Sodom and Gomorroh Picayne?"
I'm disappointed and feel short-changed, too, Keith. In the nearly 10 years I've worked in our newsroom I can probably count on just my fingers how many times I've heard that phrase, and have some fingers left over. Most of us are relatively religious and practice our chosen religions, well, religiously. We're a diverse group, too. I consider myself a Catholic Buddhist (although it's hard to combine the two). There are a couple more Catholics, someone who converted to Judaism after she got married, a Pagan Christian (and I think Catholic Buddhist is hard!) and a couple of Protestants. Even the one and only atheist believes that she has to do extra charity work and other things to help people less fortunate than herself because, if there's not a God, as she believes, people have to help each other. In my humble opinion, her actions are more Christian than some "practicing," Bible-verse-spewing, holier-than-thou Christians.
I lost my train of thought so I guess my harangue is over.
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