Monday, September 05, 2005

Tales of the Traffic Law Challenged -- Part 6, maybe?

This is a twist on the seemingly universal complaint about motorists who don't use turn signals. Today, I must write about people who use them but don't turn. I'm not talking about old guys on the highway whose turn signals are on for seven miles before they remember it and turn it off. I'm not even all that concerned about people who have them on at intersections with four-way stop signs. Granted, it's annoying but, it's not usually a traffic hazard.

My gripe is with people whose turn signals tell me they are going to turn down the street right before my turn so I can safely make a left turn in front of them. Then, they don't turn and nearly broadside me.

They are turn signals, people. Learn how to use them properly. It's not rocket science.


Margaret said...

Yes! There is a right hand turn I make almost every day, and there are many times a car indicates they are turning and they don't. Aggravates me muchly.

fishbrow said...

I know someone who actually does that and he's just driving me crazy! One day he's going to kill himself or something.