Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest

I'm sure you've all seen and heard of the dumb warning labels that are on certain products. Here are a few of my favorites.

Sleeping Pills: Warning: May cause Drowsiness
Camera : This camera will only work when film is inside.
Credit card statement: Payment is due by the due date

Well, I started thinking about this last night when I was checking food packaging for allergy information (since I can't have wheat/gluten anymore). A can of mixed nuts has the warning: May contain nuts. (I'm payin' 4 bucks for it. It damn well better have nuts in it!) A package of cheese: Contains milk. (Uh, duh!) Then when I was at just now, I saw this one: Container of salt: Warning: High in sodium.

Kinda makes you feel bad for the packagers/label makers who are forced to put this stuff on the labels because some people are so D-U-M-B!!

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