Well, Well, Well
I really have nothing to say, believe it or not. I just kinda miss my blog, but I have nothing to blog about. Oh, I suppose I could vent about drivers around here getting worse. It seems that cars in this area don't come equipped with turn signals anymore. And, I guess if there's no "left turn lane," we just create one. I mean, if there's room for one, why not? Right? I think there's another new rule I don't know about yet. It's the one that says if I have a yellow light, the guy who has a red light is allowed to go. Makes sense. His light is going to turn green soon anyway. That reminds me of when I was sitting in the DMV waiting to get my new driver's license photo taken. A teenage girl had just finished taking her written test and as she was walking back to sit with her mother she said, "I didn't think you had to memorize the whole manual!" I gotta give her mother credit. Instead of making it the DMV's fault, like so many parents would do these days, the mother said, "I told you so." Yeah kid. What did you think? You only had to know the important traffic laws? Anyway, I'm not even going to get into people who forget how to drive when they see a snowflake.
I could write about weird dreams, too. I never realized being on an anti-depressant would make my dreams so wacky. Holy crap! But there's was this one I had about 10 days ago that freaked me out -- not when I woke up, but several hours later. This guy and I were talking about the new job he'd just gotten and, although we really didn't talk about it in the dream, I knew that the only way he could have gotten that job is if another person died. (The person was fighting cancer.) Well, when I woke up I wasn't really freaked out because it was actually a good dream, except for the unspoken part about the person dying (but this was a good person who's probably in Heaven, so maybe that's why I wasn't freaked.). I was going to tell my mom about the dream, but then I thought if I talked about it I'd be kinda tempting fate or something. But, apparently, it didn't matter because about 8 hours later this person died.
Good thing I couldn't think of anything to say, huh?
There's somebody I haven't seen in person for almost 2 months and I'm going through withdrawal. Thank goodness for TV and cell phones.
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