Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Fianle Post

Here are my thoughts on the BB6 finale:

Eric & Jennifer justified my feelings of dislike for them. They are vile people. Michael, however, showed a lot of class in his remarks.

The look on Ivette's face when Julie pulled out the final key was priceless. You could almost see her thinking "I should have taken Janelle with me to the final two."

I felt bad for Beau when Ivette came out of the house, practically pushed him aside, and hugged Eric. That was a pretty crappy thing to do. Most BB fans will get the pun ... and I hope they'll forgive me for it.

I'm glad Julie told the jury that Kaysar got 82 percent of the vote in the America's Choice. I think it threw the nerd herd for a loop. That, and how little applause they got. Even James got more than Jennifer and April. Watching April trying to talk her way out of calling the viewers "pieces of shit" was hilarious ... and pathetic.

I'm glad Janelle and Kaysargot the most applause.

I'm glad Howie's vote was the tie-breaker. Fitting for "the star of the show."

Okie dokie. Buh-bye BB ... 'til next year.


TheMommason said...

I wanted Ivette to win but I didn't watch the whole season and BBBarbie annoyed me. Sorry.

Margaret said...

I was glad Maggie won. I actually chose to watch House instead, but kept sneaking over for peeks. I caught the "82%" reveal--LOVED IT!