Have y'all seen the ads for It's Just Lunch, the dating service for busy professionals? Well, just for fun I thought I'd give it a try. I got the phone call from their rep. Sounded cool. At first. Then she told me you're obligated to go on 16 dates in a year. You also have to call them within 24 hours of each date so they can fix you up with someone better if that date didn't turn out quite right. She also told me a bunch of other stuff that I don't remember, or is too inconsequential to write about. What I do remember is the cost. $1,200. That doesn't include the lunch or, if you can't do lunch, drinks after work.
I'm not really sure I would have done it even if I didn't have impending medical bills.
So, if there's anyone out there who was thinking about It's Just Lunch but wants to save $1,190 (give or take a few bucks), get in touch with me and we'll eliminate the
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