Tuesday, April 05, 2005

note: I wrote these yesterday but Blogger was being difficult so I couldn't post them until now.

I swear I'd kill myself

I was a little late getting myself up & out of the house this morning so I was forced to watch Live with Regis & Kelly, because my mother watches it. Regis was talking about his experiences at a Yankees game and said he sat between Donald Trump and Bill O'Reilly. Oh ... my ... God!!! Can you even imagine sitting anywhere near them?!?! One would be bad enough. Two would be the definition of "hell on earth." But all three??? OK. Maybe I wouldn't kill myself but I would say "Screw the game. I'm outta here."

New name?

I read somewhere that NBC may soon end its affilliation with Microsoft, which means MSNBC would need a new name. My prediction. NBC24. Remember, you heard it here first.

Celebrity blogs

Do you ever wonder if celebrity bloggers read other blogs? I mean real people's blogs? I'm not talking about Rosie O'Donnell and Barbra Streisand reading each other's blogs. I mean, do you think Rosie O'Donnell would ever read your blog? And I'm not talking about Monica Crowley and Ron Regan looking for the "popular" blogs and talking about them on their show either. That's the not the same as real people surfing blogs and commenting and blogrolling and linking. To me, that's part of the fun of blogging -- getting to "meet" new people and find out how they think and feel. So, back to the original question. Do you ever wonder if celebrity bloggers read other blogs? Or, do they already know enough people that they don't think they need to meet the real people who inhabit the blogosphere?

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