Post #11
I started taking Remifemin to relieve the perimenopausal symptoms. It helped alleviate the night sweats and hot flashes but, the strange-looking, painful and irregular periods remained. That's about the time I started taking at least ... at least ... 1,000 mgs of ibuprofen almost every day for pain. That's not 1 tablet every few hours. That's 5 200 mg tablets at a time. Sometimes, that wasn't even enough. That's also the time the bleeding was so heavy that I started not just leaking, but flooding. That's when I started wearing two “overnight” pads at the same time whenever I needed to go out. I was reluctant to leave the house on days I had my period for fear of flooding and ruining the car seat or a movie theater seat, not to mention the embarrassment that would have ensued. On flooding days, it was always worse when I stood up. Everything would seem fine while I was sitting but, the second I stood up, I'd feel a gush. Luckily, Shell understood what I was going through and would always check me from behind to see if everything was OK. Most of the time it was, and I had just soaked through the pads and my underwear and not my shorts, or whatever outerwear I had on. But, once it wasn't OK. In the dark movie theater it wasn't so bad. The problem was that we had to walk about half a mile in bright sunlight from the theater to the car. That incident is probably one of the reasons “The Phantom Menace” is my least favorite Star Wars movie. ;)
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