Post #17
You'll be happy to know that we're one-third of the way through this and the disgusting bodily function posts are almost over. (Hallelujah, right?)
Because of work, my second book coming out (and all that's entailed), NaNoWriMo, the holidays and my mother being hospitalized and needing a lot of care afterward, I didn't make the appointment. Besides, I was still shopping for a new GYN and none of the prospects seemed promising. I kept telling myself the reason I was so tired is that I wasn't getting enough rest. All I wanted to do was sleep but, it seemed I could never get enough. I was too tired to exercise regularly, too, unless I forced myself and made little deals with myself. (You can sleep in for an hour tomorrow if you walk a mile today.) I had been walking 5 miles a day but I was at a point where I couldn't even think about walking around the block. That, and holiday eating, were my excuses for gaining weight and my jeans starting to not fit quite right in the abdomen, although they were fine everywhere else. As I look back, I realize holiday eating had nothing to do with it. I'd have a couple of cookies every now and then but nothing that would cause the kind of weight I was gaining, especially because, even though I was tired, on days I ate cookies, I'd force myself to at least do a tae-bo workout.
One would think my New Year's resolution would be to finally make an appointment with a GYN, any GYN. But no. My resolution was to loose 15 pounds before making the appointment. I didn't want weight to be an issue with the doctor. So, I stuck to my diet religiously and forced myself to exercise everyday. My weight stayed the same but my jeans were getting tighter. On some days, I even had to wear a size larger than I had been wearing.
The flooding was also getting worse. I was wearing an “overnight” pad and “super” tampon at the same time and going through both of them in about an hour for about six hours. It's a miracle that I didn't end up hospitalized instead of just anemic. On days it wasn't so bad (ha!), I'd carry an entire box of tampons to work with me and go through them in 8 hours.
Then, one day in late January, I noticed my abdomen was hard. I realized it wasn't fat that was making my jeans tighter. Something was definitely wrong.
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