Post #39
“Would you like to take a shower?” seems as if it would be an easy enough question to answer, doesn't it? Well, I wanted to take one but, I didn't think I was up to it. So, after unhooking my IVs, (I hated saying good-bye to that morphine!) a nurse helped me wash up. She even washed my back. I felt so much better, and human, after that.
A little while later, another nurse came in to take my catheter out. Although I wanted it taken out, I knew that meant I'd actually have to get out of bed and walk 20 steps to the bathroom and back. I figured if they thought I was ready, I must be. I asked the nurse if it would hurt when she took the catheter out. She told me I might feel a little pull. Thankfully, I didn't feel a thing.
Shortly after that, a couple of nurses got me out of bed and settled into a chair. Surprisingly, sitting felt pretty good. Getting up was the hard part. The first time I tried it is the first time I had to use the bathroom. I very slowly made my way there, then sat and sat and sat. Nothing came out so I gave up. I thought maybe I didn't have to go after all. I mean, all I had was ice chips, half a glass of ginger ale and half a bowl of Jell-O. It's possible that I didn't have to go, right?
Wrong. Shortly after lunch (mac & cheese and spinach, which really suprised me), a nurse's aide came in and noticed that I hadn't “voided” yet. She said if I didn't soon, they'd have to put the catheter back in. Talk about scare tactics! I know the reason they wait 'til you're “under” to put it in is that it hurts so much. So, I went back to the bathroom and sat there until something came out. It took a good 5 minutes to get a couple of dribbles. After that, it kept getting easier.
As for lunch, although I was happy to see the mac & cheese, I didn't eat much of it. I really had no appetite. In a way, I wish I still had that problem.
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