Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I Feel 15 Years Old!

OK. I didn't feel 15 until this just sunk in a couple of minutes ago. I've been trying to set up a phone interview with this person for a few weeks now. Well, today his PR person and I, through e-mail, finally got it set up. I asked "Will he call me or should I call him?" She said "He'll call you ..." blah blah blah. So, after it was all set I started thinking about it. DAVID CASSIDY IS CALLING ME!! Can ya believe it???

If you don't know who David Cassidy is, please don't comment. I've already dealt with two of "those."

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Anyone else going through "Bucky" withdrawal? If you don't know what I mean, you're not ... and you should feel grateful.