Saturday, August 13, 2005


There's one grocery store in town where, because of a temporary display they have set up, "traffic" is one-lane until you get well into the store. Yesterday when I walked in, there was an older woman in front of me. I had to stand behind her while she got her shopping list out of her purse and read it, presumably deciding where to go first. Well, while she was deciding she let out this booming, messy-sounding fart. You know the kind I mean, right? You want to tell her she should go check her britches or something. I'm tellin' ya, this fart was so bad that even holding my breath couldn't keep the smell out of my nostrils. I literally had to leave the store and get some fresh air before I did my shopping. Even then, the smell lingered. Man, it was bad!


Anne said...

And I forgot to mention that it didn't even faze this woman. Either she's a really good actress & was trying to pretend it didn't happen, or her sense of smell is shot to hell. lol

Chris & Cheryl said...

I guess when you get to that age, things like that just don't matter anymore.