Friday, August 12, 2005

I Don't Know What This Means

Maybe it doesn't mean anything but, I've woken up at 6:11 three mornings in a row, without an alarm clock. Could be my body is just getting into a routine, I guess.

Anyway, I started feeling sick to my stomach yesterday. I haven't taken Tums in a long time but I was popping them like peanuts yesterday because the sick feeling just wouldn't go away. It's worse today. Then, I just heard on the radio that one of the morning show hosts got sick yesterday and is still sick today. I hope there's not something going around. I was just hoping I ate something that didn't agree with me. I have too much to do next week to be sick.


Unknown said...

Gosh, hope you feel better soon. I find that when I am coming down with something I start getting up uncharacteristically early. Weird!

Anne said...

Wow. I wonder if that's what it means. You're right. It is weird.

...just-rambling... said...

I hope you feel better!

Anne said...

Thanks Ann Marie! I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday so I'm hoping he can figure out what's wrong with me.