Odds & Ends
Sunspray Honeysuckle Smith. I just had to say that.
There's a local commercial for an auto dealership. The announcer doesn't enunciate very well. The first few times I heard this commercial I wasn't looking at the tv and I thought he was saying "Sugar Lake." I didn't know there was a Sugar Lake near here and, even if there was, what it had to do with cars. The next time the commercial came on, I watched it. He's actually saying "Chevrolet."
I didn't even know episodes of "Minding the Store" had started airing. I just heard that the season finale is this week. I guess my addiction to reality tv isn't as bad as I thought it was.
You know the Geico commercial where the cavemen are at dinner with the Geico rep? The Geico rep reminds me of a lawyer I know. So does Olivier on "The Law Firm," except the lawyer I know isn't as arrogant as Olivier. So does the guy in the Diet Vanilla Dr. Pepper commercial. I think I have Lawyer-on-the-Brain Disease.
When I was in California, we said next time the Shuttle landed at Edwards we'd go. I don't think I'm going to make it in time. I'm praying that they make it back safely, though.
I think Rachel should cut Howie loose. Nominating James and Sarah could possibly be one of the dumbest moves in Big Brother history. Makes me miss Kaysar even more. I hope "America" is smart enough to bring him back.
It's gotta be part of the reality tv addiction. I've been watching "The Surreal Life." I'm mentioning this because Bronson Pinchot is on it. He and I were in the same edition of "Who's Who of American High School Students" back in the late '70s.
The "before" images of Willie Aames, Gary Busey and Phil Magera on "Celebrity Fit Club" are downright scary. Stop showing them! Please!
I think that's all for now.
Sunspray Honeysuckle Smith is my favorite commercial line at the moment!
As a fellow Reality tv addict, I also hope Kaysar comes back into the house! Down with Cappy!
Have you watched any of the reruns of Survivor? I hated that Richard won Season One, but watching it knowing the outcome, it is clear that he is the only one who actually had a plan that first season--the rest of them were playing in the jungle.
Pussy cow? LOL That's funny!
Sophie, Nope I haven't watched any Survivor reruns. For some reason, I could never get into that show. I did watch the first episode of the last season, though, because the wife of a guy I know was on it. Remember "Wacky Wanda," who was one of the first to get voted off? That's her.
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