Monday, September 13, 2004

Bunches o' Memes

Monday Madness

1. You are given 1 million dollors. You must give it all away before the donor gives you $1 million. Who would you give it to? :: The Red Cross, The American Cancer Society, an Alzheimer's research place, my mom, the local soup kitchen, the Salvation Army
2. If you had $1 million what would you do with it FIRST? :: walk down Main Street and hand out $20 bills to every person I saw
3. Do you participate in lotteries? :: sometimes ... if the jackpot is really big
4. Name 3 of your best physical features :: eyes, smile and um, my nose, I guess
5. ..... 3 of your biggest virtues :: kind, sweet, caring
6. ......3 of you biggest vices :: smoking, gossiping, too judgemental
7. ...... 3 of your favorite pleasures in life :: Adam, Alexandyr, Aaryn (my nephews)
8 If you were a member of the opposite sex, what would you choose to do for your occupation? :: same thing I'm doing now ... writer
9. If you were to come back after death as another animal, what animal would you choose to be? :: dog
10. What kind of 'baby' are you... water, clouds, beach, garden? :: water

Unconscious Mutterings

  1. Self-esteem:: low (me)
  2. Migraine:: HELL! (Thank God I haven't had one in a while)
  3. Phoebe:: Ross
  4. Nervous:: energy
  5. Punctual:: on time
  6. Liver damage:: drinking too much
  7. Legal disclaimer:: page 2 of my book
  8. Reverend:: Mother (We are doing "Nunsense")
  9. Supple:: soft
  10. Binder:: notebook

The First Four
What are the first four things you think of when I say

1.It's today!
3.Getting older (like I'll get any lol)

P.S. Thanks to everyone in RAOK who signed my guestbook. That was a nice surprise!

The Weekly Bit

The Bit for the Week of Sept 12 is About Work.
1. What is your dream job? :: writer
2. What are the best and worst jobs you've ever had? :: the worst was a dishwasher in a restaurant; the best is right now: writer
3. How do you feel about dating someone from work? Have you ever? :: It's not a good idea. I speak from experience
4. What job would you never want to do? :: anything to do with food service (been there, done that, hated it)

an extra bit of word association...
I say, you think...

blue: sky
sun: summer
reach: for the stars
witch: craft
love: hate
give: take
man: woman
music: radio
open: close
computer: geek
juice: orange

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