or something like that
Music Mambo - Week 27
5. -- Songs that make you happy :: Layla, All I Wanna Do, Calling All Angels, All Shook Up (Yes, Elvis) and It's Only Rock 'n' Roll. Of course these are just 5 off the top of my head. There are just so many that make me happy.
4. -- Albums you can't live without :: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Drops of Jupiter, Springsteen's Greatest Hits
3. -- Artists that you'd like to recommend :: Counting Crows, Maroon 5, Train
2. -- Songs that you and one of your parents enjoy :: Silver & Gold (from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer; my Dad liked Burl Ives); Let Me Call You Sweetheart
1. -- Musical memory you'd like to share....
When I started college I liked Elton John, Billy Joel & Fleetwood Mac. No one else really meant anything to me. A lot of the people in my dorm were into Sprinsteen, though, and when it was announced that he was going to play on campus on Nov. 17, 1978, it was like they'd announced the Pope or the president was coming. It was madness! I didn't get tickets because #1 I wasn't all that into Sprinsteen and #2 I didn't want to have to stand in line overnight to get them. Well, a friend of mine had invited a few friend from home to the concert. At the last minute they couldn't make it and she gave -- gave me & her roommate the tickets ... 15 rows back but in the first row of the bleachers, which were really good seats. To this day, it's the best concert I've ever been to. Three hours of non-stop, well, Springsteen. How else can you describe it? It was great and I've been a big fan ever since.
Monday Madness
Name THREE of your........
1. Pet Peeves: Noisy eaters, drivers who don't use turn signals, tv volume that's too loud
2. Favorite Sounds: little children laughing, rain, Christmas carols
3. Desk Items: Post-It Notes, pens, glass of water
4. Biggest Fears: that something will happen to someone in my family & I won't be able to do anything about it, snakes, being in a car accident (I've been in 2. They're not fun.)
5. Biggest Challenges: getting everything done, getting out of bed in the morning, GSG
6. Newest 'Toys': computer, digital camera, DVD player
7. Most Used Words: totally, y'all, yes. (I wish I could learn to say no)
8. Most Mispelled Words:
9. Favorite Disney Characters: Simba, Donald Duck, Ariel
10. Bookmarks on Your Homepage: RAOK, Sandee, NaNoWriMo
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