Four for Friday
Q1: When shopping for food or related sundries, how important are brands in your decision-making process? For instance, let's say you're standing in the cereal aisle at your local supermarket, and right there in front of you are two of essentially the same item, but one carries a brand name or label you're familiar with, while the other is labeled with the name of the supermarket? All things being equal except price, which box of cereal do you purchase? ::
In most cases, brand names don't mean anything to me. I do most of my shopping at Wal-Mart and their Equate and Great Value products are just as good as, if not better than, name brand products.
Q2: If you wore eyeglasses, based on what you know today about the procedure, would you choose to have elective laser surgery to correct a common eye disorder such as nearsightedness, farsightedness or an astigmatism (distorted vision)? Do you know anyone who has had this sort of surgery, and if so, what have they said about the experience and/or the results? ::
Yes, I would. Actually, I'm considering it right now. I know a woman who had it and she said the best part is being able to see in the shower when she's shaving her legs.
Q3: What do you do when you're given the wrong amount of change when purchasing something with cash? Does your reaction differ depending on which side of the equation you land, i.e., receiving too much change verses not enough? ::
Usually, I don't pay attention when I'm given change. But, having worked the other side of the cash register, I'd politely tell the cashier about the mistake ... even if I got too much.
Q4: Do you have confidence in the airport screening procedures in place in the United States? ::
Hell no!
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