Thursday, September 16, 2004

The Thursday Threesome

Onesome: Girl- Girls' (or boys') Night Out- Do you ever just feel the need to drop everything and go hang out with your pals? What do you all do when you go out? Something "wild" like partying at the bar, or something as "mild" as just hanging out at a coffee shop and discussing the latest books you've read? Or do you head over to a pal's house to watch the big game? ::
I often feel I need a night out with the girls. I don't get them very often, though. Mostly we do lunch ... long lunch. And, although it may seem boring we talk about writing. Somtimes we talk about guys though. (As an aside, all my friends think I should give up on GSG because he's not good enough for me. So why don't I listen to them?!?!?)

Twosome: Scout- Were you ever a scout as a kid? Which branch? Did you join willingly or was it something you did because everyone else was or your parents thought it would be "good for you?" ::
I was a Brownie, then a Girl Scout. I did it because everyone else did, or rather, everyone's parents made them. It was fun for a while, though. Went on a cool camping trip once. But my Mom was a Cub Scout leader & I always thought the Cub Scout stuff was way more fun than Girl Scouts.

Threesome: Cookies - What's your favorite kind of cookie? What's the strangest cookie you've ever had or heard of but been too afraid to try? And do you buy Girl Scout cookies? Which ones? ::
I love anything with chocolate chips or macadamia nuts, preferrably together. There are a lot of strange cookies out there these days but, unfortunately, I can't think of any right now. I haven't bought Girl Scout cookies in years but, when I did, I always got the peanut butter ones (can't remember the name) and Thin Mints, then whatever else tripped my trigger at the moment.

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