Wednesday, September 22, 2004

It's Hump Day

Wednesday Mind Hump - Week 37

Let's celebrate ICE CREAM CONE DAY!  I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream ... cones that is.  Yay!  This day commemorates the day the ice cream cone was patented.  Can you imagine?  Before 1903 they used paper cones or metal cones.  Thank goodness edible cones were invented because we all know that sucking the last bit of ice cream out of the bottom of the cone before we shove the whole thing in our mouth is confection heaven!

It's time for some pre-humping action so let's warm upEveryone needs or wants something.  Tell us, what could you use a double scoop of today?  What would you give your bestfriend a double scoop of?  It doesn't have to be ice cream -- it can be anything: kindness, hugs, time ...

I could use a double scoop of self-confidence 'cuz I never have enough no matter how good I'm feeling. My best friend could definitely use a double scoop of rest & relaxation. Can he have sprinkles, too? The sprinkles would be me. A double of scoop of me would be too much for him to handle, I think.

This week some getting to know you humping with a bit of an insane twist.

01.  A scented candle has been created that represents your daily life -- what smells might that candle emit? :: Happiness (Despite everything, I'm basically a happy person.)
02.  If all of a sudden all money became useless and whatever you had the most of made you wealthy, what are you rich with? :: Fat cells? lol Either that or books. I'd hate to give them up but, ya know, I'd probably just buy more books with them anyway.
03.  You've won a "Everything You Can Grab In Three Minutes" shopping spree at your favorite store.  What store is it and what would be the first thing you'd grab? :: Wal-Mart, because I know where everything is. After grabbing a couple of shopping carts first I'd go straight for the CDs, then DVDs, then books, then, if I had time, clothes. Actually, I could grab a few things from the clothes section on my way to the CDs. (Good thinkin' Anne!)
04.  One million dollars to pose for Playboy or Playgirl ... do you do it?  If yes, what month would you be the perfect centerfold for?  If no, what magazine would you be a good centerfold for? :: Hey, if they wanna pay me a million bucks to put this body in Playboy I'll take it. I'm sure we could come to some kind of pose that would make us all happy ... and wouldn't embarrass me too much (or bring their sales to a screeching halt).
05.  You have an alarm clock that does whatever is necessary to wake you up and get you out of bed -- describe what process the alarm clock would perform :: I like to keep this blog pretty much PG rated, so I think I'll pass on this question. But, man oh man, I wish they made the alarm clock I'm dreaming up right now. ;)

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