Finding coins
Sylvia Browne says that coins myteriously appearing are a gift from the other side, loved ones who have passed on. Well, I was looking this up on the 'net and this one site really depressed me because it says coins you find on the street don't mean anything. I got depressed because I've been finding a lot of them over the last month. I even keep them in a jar so I know it's not my imagination that I'm finding so many. Anyway, I found this one site where people were talking about the coins being really obvious sigsn (like this one woman whose 8-year-old daughter died & she keeps finding dimes 8 at a time, or the dimes were dated with the year her daughter was born). Well, nothing that obvious happened to me. I was just finding 'em. Then I came across this other site. (I really should bookmark these things.) The woman was talking about finding coins, and every time she does she thinks about one thing she's thankful for because she says the coins are a sign that a higher power is watching out for her. Ya know how I just said nothing that obvious happened to me? Well, that's what I thought. On Saturday, I found a quarter and a penny. 26 cents, right? Today I found another quarter and another penny. 26 cents. I got to thinking about everything I read about finding coins and messages from beyond and stuff. I know I've written about this before, but here it is again. Whenever I'm having problems I ask my dad for help. When I was in California & needed help & asked him, I could even smell his aftershave. (Old Spice. No one I knew there used Old Spice.) And remember a couple of Saturdays ago I was asking my dad for help & my cousin from out of town (who looks just like my dad) showed up in church? Anyway, I figured out the coins are from my dad. How do I know. His birthday is March ... you guessed it ... 26th. I also think the dime & three pennies I found yesterday fits in because ... Oh c'mon, you should know by now. My birthday is September 13th and everytime anything with 13 turns up, I think of my birthday. So I think the 13 cents was to get me thinking about birthdays or, more specifically, my dad's birthday. Far-fetched? Maybe, but it makes me feel good to think my dad is still looking out for me.
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