Monday, August 02, 2004

Monday Madness

And now for this week's questions.......True or False:
1. I always exercise my right to vote. (If you are under 18, 'I will always exercise my right to vote as soon as I am old enough to.')
True. Right after I turned 18, my Dad took me to register. I haven't missed an election yet.

2. I pay little or no attention to the campaign ads aired on television prior to a presidential election.
False. I pay attention to them but they don't influence my vote. Actually, they usually make me angry.

3. I can see myself running for some type of political office someday.
True. A few years ago the answer would have been "false," but now I'm seriously considering running for city council someday.

4. I believe we will see a woman become president in my lifetime.
False. I would like to see a woman president but I don't think it's a good idea. There are too many countries that don't respect women or take them seriously. I'd like to know what Madeline Albright, Margaret Thatcher, Indira Ghandi and Golda Meir think about this.

5. I try to keep an open mind regarding all political issues.

6. I believe the drinking age should be raised.
False. I think it should be lowered to 18 again. If 18-year-olds are old enough to die for their country, they should be able to go out and get a beer.

7. I think the legal age to vote should be raised.

8. I thought these qustions were interesting.

9. I will be back to play again!

~Bonus Question~ (stole this idea from wild fl0w3r!)
10. If I was the moderator of this meme, one question I would ask is........
I think there should be a Constitutional ammendment banning gay marriage. (F-A-L-S-E!!! would be my answer, btw)

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