Monday, August 02, 2004

I didn't do this on Thursday, so ...

I'm doing it now.

The Thursday Threesome

::Knit One, Purl Too::

Onesome- Knit one: Do you have a crafty hobby? Knitting, stitching, scrapbooking or model building, whatever it is, tell us about it! Or is there a crafty hobby you'd like to take up if had the time and/or money to do so?
I knit, crochet, cross stitch & stuff but not really enough to call it a hobby. I guess the craftiest hobby I have these days is photography. Check out some of it via the links right over there

Twosome- Purl: Or rather, pearl. What's your birthstone? And while you're at it, what's your sign? *g*
Sapphire & I'm really happy that it is. I think it's so pretty!
I'm a Virgo. My birthday is in 6 weeks, btw. Don't buy me anything, though. But a copy of my book for yourself. ;)

Threesome- Too: Too much? Have you had enough of the political coverage already? ...or are you waiting for things to really gear up in the Fall?
Enough already!!! I had enough even before the primaries were over.

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