Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Wednesday Mind Hump - Week 32

We are smack in the middle of National Friendship Week which occurs annually during the third week of August. What better way to warm up for the Mind Hump than by bragging on our friends -- after all, we are all about sharing the love. Using the letters F-R-I-E-N-D list six qualities that your best friend possesses.

Real ... as in ... he always tells me the truth
Never judges me (no matter how stupid I am)

This week let's have some fun with free association or "I say ___, you think ___." Using the following words respond with your first thought. You can respond with one word, a sentence, or just babble like crazy! Ready? Do the Humpty Hump!

01. protection from abuse order
02. twist and shout
03. furry Miss Higgins (my cat)
04. buck Jim, a guy I used to work with
05. purple rain
06 wave ocean
07. flash dance
08. pokey hokey
09. neonl lights
10. elastic band
11. chips potato
12. float root beer

Wednesday Matinee

Are you talkin' to meme?

1. A Bug's Life vs Antz: who wins?
A Bug's Life

2. What food or drink do you wish they would serve at the theater?
low carb M&M's ... if they made 'em. I'd say beer but that probably wouldn't be such a good idea.

3. Who's your favorite female actor of all time?
Yikes! I have to pick two?
Living: Sandra Bullock
Dead: Katharine Hepburn
Okay. Three. Marilyn Monroe, one of the most under-rated actress of all time.
Then, of course, there's Ingrid Bergman.
I must stop now.

~This Movie Is Rated PG: "Please Go see it", Bonus~ Up to now, what movie do you think would win best movie for 2004?
Of the ones I've seen I'll say "The Passion of the Christ."

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