Thursday, August 05, 2004

The Thursday Threesome

::Surprises in the Mail::

Onesome: Surprises-- Hey, do you like surprises? ...and what kinds? Birthday parties, dinners out? ...or are you one of those people who absolutely has to know what's going on before it happens?
For the most part, I like surprises ... as long as they're good surprises. Parties, gifts, an invitation to do something fun like going to a movie or a park ... they're all good.

Twosome: in the-- nick of time: How do you keep track of birthdays and anniversaries and events you need to remember but only occur once a year? ...and where is your bailout place for cards and such when you've cut things a little too close?
I don't keep track of that many birthdays but, as soon as I get a calendar for the next year, I write them all down. If I'm cutting things close (If? That's the story of my life! lol) my trusty Wal-Mart is always open. But for people who have e-mail, I go to Hallmark. I do care enough to send the very best ... even if I forgot 'til the last minute.

Threesome: Mail-- Mail Call! Did anything interesting show up lately besides the bills? ...and do letters and cards still make it to your place or have email and ecards taken it all over? Inquiring minds and all that...
A couple of days ago I got an invitation to a going out of business sale for my favorite gift shop. Not everyone got one, ya know. I also got a fan & a coupon book from a cigarette company ... the brand I smoke, even. (Yeah, I know smoking is bad. When I lose 30 more pounds I'm going to quit. I can't diet & quit smoking at the same time.) I still get snail mail cards from my aunts who don't have email. And there's usually money in them. That rocks!

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