Thursday, August 19, 2004

Thinking Cap Thursday

Week 7 Questions
here we go once again... its that time...
Everyone got thier thinking caps??? Are they on tight???
alright... here we go!!!
What do each of these Three things have in Common????

Clarice - Yukon Cornelius - The Bumble :: Characters in "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Greek Church - Grandmothers Teeth - Christmas Tree (a sports question...if that helps LOL) :: Um, it doesn't help. I don't know.

Penguin - Kiwi - Ostrich :: Birds (that don't fly?)

Laurence Olivier - John Wilkes Booth - Ronald Reagan :: actors

Corn - Olive - Baby :: oil

Herbie the Ice Cream Man - Reverend Leroy - Geraldine Jones :: Flip Wilson characters

“Citius” - “Altius” - “Fortius”

Asthma - Emphysema - Bronchitus :: illnesses that effect the lungs

Parker - Cross- Scripto :: pens

Mr Magoo - Bradley J. Stevens - Thurston Howell III :: Jim Backus characters

Rod Laver - Pancho Gonzales - John Mewcombe :: tennis players

D - C- 9 Volt :: batteries

A Belt - A bra - A bank robber ::

Steve Allen - Jack Parr - Johnny Carson :: hosts of The Tonight Show

Ben Franklin - Geroge Washington - Golden Gate :: bridges

Dolly - Jackie - Eleanor :: First Ladies

A Boat - A cradle - Van Halen :: Things that rock?

Double - Secret- Real Estate :: agents

Straight - Hook - Head FIrst :: baseball slides

Cleopatra - Ernest Hemingway - Vincent Van Gogh ::

A Loaf of Bread - A Golf Ball- A Pie ::

A Psychiatrist - A Mailman - An Ex-Pitcher ( Hint: a TV Question) :: regulars at "Cheers"

Cheryl Miller - Nancy Liberman - Lynette Woodward

He - She - they :: pronouns

Baseball games - Trash Dumps - Blue Jeans ::

This was hard. I'm going to put my thinking cap on tighter & keep trying.

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