Monday, January 02, 2006

Anyone Have an Answer?

The governor comes to your little town of less than 10,000 people. He brings with him $11 million in grants and loans, and a promise of about 250 new jobs. Zippo gets money. The historic district and other downtown projects get money. The hospital gets money for part of its $14 million renovation and expansion project. There's an announcement of a new business moving from Florida to your town. Big stuff, right?

I'm wondering why that didn't make the newspaper's list of the top ten stories of the year. Actually, I'm not wondering. If I'm right, the reason is just one of the 1,347,622 reasons I left there and now have the best job I've ever had.


...just-rambling... said...

I'm sensing a lot of hostility toward your former employer. Would that be the Bradford Era? Or was that the Bradford Herald? (Shows how long it's been since I've been in the area...can't even remember the name of the newspaper!)

On a new subject, how is your 3rd book in the Gina Hamilton series coming along? Does Gina change jobs? Will your first two books ever be coming out in a mass market paperback format? (smaller?)

Anne said...

There's really no hostility toward my former employer, just a couple of (literally, 2) people who work there. I had some really good times at the Era, learned a lot, met some very interesting people, and did a lot of things I wouldn't have gotten to do had I not worked there.

As for Gina ... Well, I'm workin' it. My motivation for the romance part of it has kind of shriveled up, so I'm kind of having a problem writing it. But, Gina doesn't change jobs in Book 3. She's still working for the newspaper. And, she will be in part of Book 4 as well. As for Book 5 ... Big changes! Now, let's just see if I can get that far before I retire ;)

Uncle Crappy said...

We're talking about one particular newspaper, right?