Saturday, August 11, 2007

Airplane!-like Alex-isms

My nephew is 6 and, as far as anyone knows, he has never seen the movie "Airplane!." And, if he has, would he understand it? But this makes you wonder:

Toward the end of the last school year, he came home and was taking things out of his back pack. He showed my sister a prize he won -- a bookmark. My sister asked what it was for, meaning the prize. But he said "It's to put in your book so you don't lose your place."

While I was visiting them last week, Alex told me he got stung by a bee last year. I asked where the bee stung him. He pointed and said "Right over there in the yard."

Then, last week, his younger brother asked why a certain club is called the Hoot-n-Holler. Alex points and answers "Because of that sign right there."

PS: Lest you think the child is a bit slow -- I hesitate to call him a smart ass because he's only 6, so I'll call him a smart aleck, or smart alex, as the case may be. My sister said that their 5-year-old was asking her and her husband where "that red thing" was and he just kept bugging them, and bugging them and bugging them about it. Finally, my sister said "Alex, do you know what he's talking about?" Alex said "Yeah. He wants to know where that red thing is."

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