Friday, December 26, 2003

I'm Back -- I Think

It's been forever since I posted here. There are lots of reasons for that. One reason is that the template for this blog somehow disappeared *shrug* Fixing it just seemed like too much trouble. It wasn't hard at all, I just simply didn't feel like doing it.

But I guess the main reason is I didn't know how to write about a few things that have been happening. Well, actually it's just one thing. The rest is easily explainable. This is not. The short and simple version is: Nick & I are not living together anymore. It's not that we fell out of love or anything. It's just that due to circumstances beyond our control, it's not possible for us to be together. We're still very good friends. I tell him everything. I even tell him about the guy I'm hopelessly in lust with.

Anyway, I'm hoping to keep up with this blog again. I really miss it. I need someplace to vent, after all.

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