Friday, July 15, 2005

Big Brother 6

I wish CBS would have waited a little longer to tell us which houseguests were partners. I liked guessing. So far, it's been the only interesting part of the show. And, I already guessed that Howie and Rachel and Maggie and Eric were partners. Also, I was wondering if the producers thought the houseguests were stupid enough to believe they were the only "pair" in the house. After seeing some of the interviews last night, I guess the answer is "Apparently so." Have these people never seen the show? If I got chosen for Big Brother and they put me in the house with someone I already knew, my first reaction would be "There's no way we're the only pair in the house."

Anyway, I'm glad Ashlea is gone. I couldn't stand her. Don't know why. I just couldn't. But I do like Kaysar. Again, I don't know why. I just do. I'm not sure if I have a favorite houseguest yet but I'm leaning toward either Maggie or Rachel.

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