Thursday, February 28, 2002

Here's the first ever Thursday Three. (via shadow runes.)

Onesome: Where did you first hear of a blog? Nick first mentioned the idea, a little over a year ago, that we should blog about our experiences while waiting for me to move here. We never got around to doing that, though. Too bad. It would have been good. I didn't get around to starting my own until August.

Twosome: The first weblog you read regularly? Other than family, the first blog I read regularly was the now-defunct bulletproof and bleeding. I came across it a fews days before Sept. 11 and knew the author was a flight attendant. I was definitely hooked after that, because her insights into the airline industry were interesting and unique.

Threesome: What keeps you coming back to a blog? That's a tough one. There's not just one thing, or even a couple things. It just has to touch me in some way -- make me laugh, cry, think, want to know more about the person.

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