Monday, March 25, 2002

...and, my Monday Mission

1. What helps you get started every morning? Coffee and a smoke

2. What is the most memorable thing anyone has ever made for you? Drawings that my little friends April, Rodney, Robbie, Stephy and Rebecca did for me

3. What music are you currently listening to in your car? A new radio station that's been "rockin' Bakersfield for over 10 days." I laughed so hard when I heard that for the first time.

4. One thing I like to do is buy USA Today on Wed, Thur and Fri. Even if I don't have the money, I will find a way to buy them, because I just love reading them. What is one "splurge" you allow yourself, even when you shouldn't? Here's where my geekiness really comes out. I love office supplies -- notebooks, pens, Post-it notes, notebooks, folders, notebooks.

5. Have you ever been given a "second chance?" What happened and did you make the most of it? I'm living my second chance right now. Everything in my old life was a dead end. I have a brand new lease on life now.

6. Do you have a lot of friends outside of your own ethnic background? Not a lot, but some, including one very dear friend.

7. What was the last situation that really, really pissed you off? I can't think of any right now, but I do get pissed off a lot so I know there's something. Lately, though, I've been trying to let those things go and concentrate only on positive things in my life.

BONUS: Who's your friend when things get rough? H.R. Pufnstuf ... and Nick

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