Thursday, March 07, 2002

Here's today's Thursday Threesome:

Onesome: Eat: What one food do you love so much that you could easily overeat (be specific here)? I have to pick only one? Hmmm. Actually, this is pretty easy. Mashed potatoes and gravy, preferrably turkey or country gravy and real potatoes as opposed to instant. I love them made with lots of butter and milk and still slightly lumpy. Mmmm.

Twosome: Drink: What one beverage do you drink more than anything? Water. I try my best to drink a gallon a day. Sometimes it's hard to do, but I feel much better if I do.

Threesome: Be Merry: When life has you down, what one thing can remind you to smile? Nick. He always seems to find a way to make me feel better.

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