Friday, October 29, 2004

Sometimes I have lemming qualities

I've seen this on so many blogs that I finally gave in and did it.

To clarify:

She Might Be a Girl Next Door if:

1.She drives: a good, solid American car -- a Ford Taurus, Chevy Cavalier (that's me), or Dodge Stratus.
2.She can talk for more than ten minutes about: her family's holiday traditions. (yes)
3.She begins her sentences with: "my mother says..." (a lot)
4.She'd never: go to a rave. (The idea scares me.)
5.She owns any of the following: scrapbooks, heirloom quilts, a Bible, family recipes, her grandmother's engagement ring. (yes, to all)

She Might Be a Progressive Girl if:

1.She drives: a small SUV but really wishes it got better mileage; once she can get a good hybrid, she will. (a. used to; b.yes)
2.She can talk for more than ten minutes about: just about anything. (most of the time)
3.She begins her sentences with: "Susan Sarandon says..." (No, but I've been known to start sentences with "You know what O'Reilly said today that pissed me off ...?"
4.She'd never: pass up the chance for a new experience. (almost never; depends on the experience)
5.She owns any of the following: a water filter (yes), a tabletop fountain, an acre of rain forest, a mutt from the pound (used to, and probably will again someday).

So, know that you know who I am ... any takers? ;)

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