Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Warning: Wednesday Weird Ones Ahead:

1. Should cows be allowed to sue?
Oh, like there aren't enough frivilous lawsuits out there already! Cows are known for their frivolity so I think if they're allowed to sue the court system would be bogged down even more than it is now. Maybe if new courts were added just to handle cow law suits it would be ok.

2. Which would be scarier for you: if nothing we do really matters or if everything we do matters?
Yikes. They're both pretty scary prospects. OK. What's that song? Y'all know it, I'm sure, but I can't think of it. It's right on the tip of my tongue ... I'll come back to this. ... I got it! Bohemian Rhapsody! "Nothing really matters, nothing really matters to me" Not that it answers the question but I got the lyrics stuck in my head and I had to post it.

3. They say we each have a twin in a parallel universe. What do we have in a perpendicular universe?
An evil twin. Why do you think there are so many tv shows (or at least there were in the 70s and 80s) with evil twins? It's a little-known fact that television writers live in a perpendicular universe, so that's how they came up with the ideas for the shows. But they had to stop writing the evil twin shows because people were starting to catch on to them and wanted to see what this other universe looks like. They couldn't have that because another little-known fact is that if too many people enter the perpendicular universe it explodes.

4. People from the east are sometimes given the nickname "The Beast From the East". What would be a good nickname for people from the midwest?
Who cares? Kidding! Just kidding! I have friends and family in the Midwest. (Is that kind of like saying "Some of my best friends are gay?") The only words I can think of that go with Midwest are pest and zest so let's go with Mr. (or Miss) Zest from the Midwest.

5. Why do we always hurt the ones we love?
What would be the fun in hurting the ones we don't love?

6. Bonus Question (answer if you want to and don't if you don't): In the 90's Right Said Fred dominated the airwaves with the song "I'm Too Sexy" which had all manner of strange lyrics (eg. "I'm too sexy for my cat"). Write a new verse to the song (even if you do not know the song).
I'm too sexy for my blog. Too sexy for my blog. Much too sexy for your dog.

"If I’m not back again this time tomorrow, carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters."

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