Thursday, September 22, 2005

Dance Class

This has nothing to do with anything that's going on in my life right now. It's just a story my Mom told me last night.

When I was a kid, I took ballet & tap dancing lessons. I don't remember how many people were in the class but, I think it was about 15. Anyway, parents were allowed to stay and watch the lessons because the studio was a fairly long drive for most people. So, during one of the lessons, the teacher had us do a routine combining all the steps we'd learned during the last few lessons. My Mom told me that during the routine she was really embarrassed because I wasn't doing anything the other students were doing. However, after the routine, the teacher said "It seems Anne was the only one paying attention because she's the only one who got it right."

That kinda seems weird to me because I'm an accident-prone uncoordinated mess when it comes to dancing. Maybe if I'd stuck with it back then ... No. Even my ability to follow directions wouldn't turn me into a good dancer.

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