Friday, September 23, 2005

Tales of the Traffic Law Challenged Part 8

I hesitate to put this in Tales of the Traffic Law Challenged because the problem may be mine, not the other drivers'. You see, I think my car is invisible. What other explanation could there be for 7 (Count 'em ... seven) drivers in the past two days pulling their vehicles in front of mine and nearly causing collisions? Could they have been blinded by the sun? No, because I was facing the sun. Besides, two of the incidents happened at night. Were they driving emergency vehicles with sirens blaring and lights flashing on their way to a horrific accident or fire? No, they were just regular people pulling out of parking lots and driving through intersections. Were they freakin' morons who don't know how to drive and/or have no consideration for other drivers and traffic laws? Uh, yeah. Probably. I guess this post is titled correctly after all.

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