Thursday, September 08, 2005

Too Much Reality?
Another Installment of Weird Dreams
Plus Some Thoughts on Big Brother 6

I didn't remember the entire dream when I woke up. The predominant thought in my head was "Anne, you watch too much reality tv." Here's what I remember:

I was on the "Lost" island. Claire and Jack were there but I don't remember who else was with me. We found something that was vitally important to our survival (although now I don't remember what it was). The first thing I said was "Go tell Omarosa."

Omarosa? That's why I told myself I watch too much reality tv. I don't even watch "The Apprentice" so I didn't see any of her antics on that show. However, I do watch "The Surreal Life" and "Battle of the Network Reality Stars." She's on both of those. I think her appearance in my dream was my punishment for watching "Battle of the Network Reality Stars" after I said I was going to wean myself off of reality tv.

I had to start watching it though. Yes, I had to. Will Kirby and Mike "Boogie" Malin from "Big Brother 2" are on it. Will is my all-time favorite house guest so I couldn't resist.

While, at the moment, Will remains my all-time favorite, if Janelle makes it through one more week, she'll take over the title. The entire "nerd herd," except for Ivette, underestimated her during the entire game, which got her to the point she is now. How could they have underestimated her? Or at least, how could they have ignored her uncanny luck in the game? She won the PB&J Pass, plasma tv, a trip and the America's Choice phone call. She's also won HoH and veto competitions. And they concentrated on getting James out of the house first? Well, I am glad they underestimated her because if she and Howie weren't there, I would have stopped watching. The "nerd herd" is just too boring.

So, tonight, I gotta root for Janie to win HoH again. Then it'll be bye-bye Maggie. Finally!


Unknown said...

Hey, Anne, I tagged you on my blog for the list of 5's. You're it.

Margaret said...

I am also sick of the nerd herd. They are so self righteous that I don't even have the words to describe it. Janelle is my hero (well, my hero of BB6). If she wins it I will be very, very happy! I watch too much reality television as well, but it has not yet invaded any dreams. I'm even watching the reruns of Survivor on OLN. Sheesh! Get a life!