Sunday, August 15, 2004

Sunday Brunch

School Days

1. Did you like or dislike high school?
Most of the time, I liked it, especially senior year. The only parts about it I didn't like were some of the rude, nasty girls. When I think about the movie "Mean Girls," which I haven't seen yet but have heard a lot about, I think Tina Fey must have secretly been in my class.

2. Walk to school, ride the bus or catch a ride with someone?
I had to walk a few blocks to catch the bus. These days the kids practically get picked up & dropped off at their front doors. Makes me laugh because school administrators wonder why kids don't get enough exercise. Make 'em walk to the bus stop for goodness sake!

3. What was your favorite subject?
It's a tie between history and communications media.

4. When it came to doing homework, did you do it right away, wait 'til the last minute or just do it whenever you felt like it?
I didn't really have that much homework because I used to do it in study halls. (Yeah, I was one of the few people who actually studied in study hall.) But I'd wait 'til the last minute with any math-related subject because I hated it so much. Anything else I did when I felt like it.

5. Would you go to your high school reunion?
I haven't gone to one yet, but I might go to the next one. We'll see what happens in the next four years. If I look as good as I do now (or better) and if I'm doing as well as I am now in my career (or better) I'll go. Actually, there's only one person I really want to spend time with, and that's Steve. No one else I care about goes to reunions because they feel the same way I do about the "mean girls," among other things. I'm kind of thinking about organizing something for those of us who don't want to go to the reunion. But if I did that I know the class president's feelings would be hurt and I don't want to do that. We've been friends since second grade & he's been great about helping me sell my book. He even sold one to one of the "mean girls." Anyway, if Steve goes (and he's been to every one, I think) and if our friend Lucy goes (Lucy not the other one, Lucille, no matter what she's says she wants to be called now) I'll give it even more consideration.

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