Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Wednesday Matinee

1. What are your thoughts about Hollywood making money on the life of Jesus?
Actually, I think it's OK. Whether the film makers are doing it for the right reasons or not, the message is going to get out (if it's done well) and that's the important thing. It's my belief that even people who aren't Christian should be able to appreicate the kind of life Jesus lead and, maybe, be inspired by it. I feel the same way about Gandhi. And for that matter, Buddha.

2. What's your favorite movie set in "historical" times (medieval, greek, roman, victorian, etc)?
It's a toss up between Shakespeare in Love and Ever After.

3. What's your favorite movie based on a true story?
Without a doubt, no question, not even a second thought ... All the President's Men. (Newspaper reporter, ya know?)

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