Wednesday, September 29, 2004

It's Wednesday ...

Wednesday Matinee

The meme is on fire!

1. What's your favorite disaster movie?
The first movie that came to mind was The Poseidon Adventure (awesome flick!), but I can't answer this question without saying Twister. That counts as a disaster movie, doesn't it?

2. What's your favorite John Travolta movie?
Pick just one? Really? Hmm? I can't pick just one. Saturday Night Fever, Grease, Carrie? How can I choose? Primary Colors and Lucky Numbers? Loved 'em. Look Who's Talking? How cute was he in that? And, need I say anything more than "Pulp Fiction?" See? There's no way I could pick my favorite. It depends on what John Travolta mood I'm in.

3. What do you think of celebrity endorsements for political office?
I think it's fine. However, I think anyone who votes for a candidate based solely on a celebrity endorsement is an idiot and doesn't deserve to vote.

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